Friday, September 09, 2005

Musiikkia, musiikkia

Well, well. I recorded Ari Liimatainen's story Kanan perse (= Chicken Ass). Weird, wonderful and a bit odd tale about a crazy guy who invents a game with his crazy friend . The original game is pretty sophisticated and very complicated. But in time it deteriorates into something simple and a bit weird. At that point the rules of the game go like this. When you near an other person you try to shout as fast as you can:"Kanan perse!!" (= chicken ass). The one who says it first is the winner. And after that the next game begins immediately. And again you call out:" Kanan perse!!" (= Chicken ass)... This goes on and on. Sometime someone goes crazy. That's quite inevitable. And everything escalates enormously. - Recitation, laughs, shouts, many sorts of weird noises and four lines of improvised woodwinds plus some percussions.

Ari's story resembles quite much Larry Niven's masterful short-story All the Myriad Ways in which billions of alternate Futures collide...

Ari's Internet Gallery is definately worth seeing.

Juha H.


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