Saturday, March 18, 2006


Sini, Hanna-Maaria and I watched Chrash. And a good film it was - actually a surprisingly good American movie. It won some Oscars and that is quite right. The story was built episode-like and fragmentarily, sort of. But in the end everything came together well and good. There were many surprising turns, untypical twists when compared to more ordinary Hollywood movies. The good and the bad people were NOT clearly different. The 'good ones' could do vile and evil things and the 'bad' weren't necessarily always bad. Right and wrong were within every character, within every person of the movie. Like in real life - you try to do good things but sometimes you end up doing wrong. Sometimes in real life you have to choose between bad and even worse. And sometimes it can be a bit hard to find out and see which is the less bad way to go...

Rest of the day - meeting people, walking on the Lake Keitele and creating music.

Juha H.


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