Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Just watched the movie Jade Warrior - joint Finnish-Chinese venture. It took me by surprise. I knew it's a mixture of different times, legends and mythical stories. But the many-dimensionality of the story was a revelation, sort of. The whole can not be taken at face value - there are so many possible ways to inteprete it. It is NOT merely a fantastic adventure movie - with Chinese-Finnish swords and sorcery. It is quite introspective. This feature must come from Finland. The story is a mixture of Finnish legend of Sampo and Pandora's Box etc... The possibility to inteprete a story in myriad ways is always nice. - Music of the movie was written - probably very much of it was improvised - by Kimmo Pohjonen and Samuli Kosminen. Very nice.

Juha H.
