Friday, September 16, 2011

Valo ja Improvisages

Improvisages  - Jori and me - rehearsed with Maija P. , Sini and Veikko-Kalevi. There is a Multi-Art Concert-Happening coming. All is built around Veikko-Kalevi Riihinen's poetry. I've composed songs and Sini sings them. There are some 11 poems that Maija Piitulainen recites - and Improvisages improvise with her. Improvisages perform some of their own compositions and this time we're going to perform them as they were written - with no improvisations, well mostly at least! And my photos are shown to go with the music.  Veikko-Kalevi Riihinen - the poet - does it with a laptop and data projector.

Today we had great fun!!

Now Sini is already watching the video how Dream Theater found their new drummer - Mike Mangini. Now I'll join her!

Juha H.



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