Friday, June 10, 2005


Been working with Kesätango (=Summer Tango) . Recorded percussions and a couple of accordion-like tracks. But for example djembe is a bit troublesome. It's definately not any ordinary tango-instrument. And the original recording was done without click-track. The rhythm slows down somewhat in between choruses. It's a musical place to slow down, ease the tension of music. Without percussion the swaying rhythm is no problem. But to add any kind of drum is calling troubles. Have to ask Jouko should I leave them percussions out...

Began reading Armageddon. The battle for Germany 1944 - 1945 by Max Hastings. Stories about the horrendous end of the Second World War in Europe.

Pretty soon Sini will be back home from Pärnu, Estonia.

Juha H.


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