Sunday, February 12, 2006

Talvi-ilta ja Improvisages

Improvisages had a rehearsal. Nice, nice. Earlier I had created eight rhythm-tracks to go with our playing. And I had also written some music - hand-drawn on paper. Later I'll create some more backing tracks and maybe write some more music. Jori'll do the same. Gigs coming. Nice, nice.

And when our music is ready or at least has some sort of coherent form we'll add Ari's paintings to the whole...

Improvisages - as the name of our band implies - is especially interested in improvisation, artistic creation at the Here and Now . (Nomen est omen, hek.) We play written compositions, too. During the years we've made music together we've tried and played quite many different kinds of music - from Renaissance and Early Barock to Modern Classical Music; from World Music to Jazz and Rock. For the last few years we've concentrated on improvisation and our own compositions. Nowadays our music sounds quite a bit like Electronica-Something...

Juha H.


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