Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Touhua piisaa

Many small things happened.

Finally I had the time to mix and bounce to disk my composition Epaonnen soturin onnen paiva (= Unlucky Soldier's Lucky Day). All in all during the last few days it must have taken me some 14-15 hours to make it to come alive... Quite often it's hard to get the bass guitar to sound the way I like. But this time it was soo easy. I just played and recorded it. And that was that. So nice... But this time to create a good sounding flute was a bit hard to do . The playing and recording of it was easy and "naturel"... Maybe the miking was somehow wrong? Should I use another microphone next time...?

I got some MIDI-files. There is "brewing" a project of old time dance music. I'm going to record and mix some singing, some accordion etc.

Sini bought herself a new car - KIA from South-Korea. It's black like Heavy Metal.

Juha H.


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