Friday, March 31, 2006
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Kukkiva maa ja esitys onnistuneesti ohi
Performance of Kukkiva maa went quite well. It was probably the best yet. Some more shows coming. I'm happy, pleased and reliefed. When you feel that way after a gig it must have gone pretty well. So it is.
Snowing, snowing - snowing alot all the time.
Juha H.
Snowing, snowing - snowing alot all the time.
Juha H.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Samuli Mikkkonen ja Ableton Live
Back from concert. Samuli Mikkonen played with his band a very nice and peaceful gig in Suolahtisali. Good woodwind players, good pianist and relaxed, quite free "drum'n'bass"... Mostly Mikkonen's compositions, but also Sibelius and Kuula - all arranged quite freely. Free-Jazz but very structured and with much composed material. I liked the whole alot. - While the band was playing I realized that I was thinking how easy it is to improvise - if you got the guts (and some skills...) to do it.
Rest of the day playing flute and other woodwind instruments - plus fooling around with AbletonLive.
Juha H.
Rest of the day playing flute and other woodwind instruments - plus fooling around with AbletonLive.
Juha H.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Kukkiva Ableton
Once again Kukkiva maa had a rehearsal . Now everything is fine. The whole feels very good. Poems of Edith Sodergran and Katri Vala are tender and strong at the same time. The texts vary from feelings of misery, anger and sorrow to joy, happiness and bliss. Maija recites and performs the whole very well. And I think that my music is quite ok for the project...
Fooling around with Ableton Live. How wonderful software it is!
Juha H.
Fooling around with Ableton Live. How wonderful software it is!
Juha H.
Monday, March 27, 2006
Kukkiva maa jatkaa
Project Kukkiva maa (=Blossoming Fields) had a rehearsal. Everything is almost ok - a couple of more rehearsals and all should be well for our next performance. Thursday this week we'll go LIVE in Suolahtisali.
Yesterday was an hour "shorter" than the other days of the year. Daylight Saving Time makes one more tired approximately for a week - or a bit less... Right now I can feel it. Probably I have to go to sleep early, very early.
Juha H.
Yesterday was an hour "shorter" than the other days of the year. Daylight Saving Time makes one more tired approximately for a week - or a bit less... Right now I can feel it. Probably I have to go to sleep early, very early.
Juha H.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Improvisages had a rehearsal. It was the first time we went through the material of our next consert. Visual imagery, the sequence of Ari's paintings seems to be ok - though there is such an abundance of pics, way over 400. Music still needs some rehearsing - actually just playing and jamming together. Compositions and ideas for improvisation are ok and quite right. But we need to get more acquinted with the material at hand and thus become more certain and better equipped for what we're trying to achieve.
Juha H.
Juha H.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Friday, March 24, 2006
Right now Sini and I are watching the movie Ruanda - a horrendous true story only from a few years back. Somehow I don't like what happened there. Horribilities... But it is definately good for the Mankind to know what happened in Africa - the seemingly senseless murdering of hundreds of thousends of people. Peace in the world would be so much better. Dominion of one faction over another? Is it really worth the killing?
All in all - why can't we people live together in Peace?
Juha H.
All in all - why can't we people live together in Peace?
Juha H.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Improvisages visualisoituu
All evening I worked with Ari's paintings. I tried to make them somehow go together with the music of Improvisages. It's not easy - pics should somehow reflect music and vise-versa. Very much what we, Jori and I , play together is probably always going to be mostly improvised. At the moment I've selected and 'sequenced' more than 400 paintings. Music is going to last in a LIVE situation 40 - 50 minutes. Some more work ahead.
Earlier I recorded one composition of my own. Many electric guitars, some woodwinds and percussions. And right now I'm beginning to feel very tired...
Juha H.
Earlier I recorded one composition of my own. Many electric guitars, some woodwinds and percussions. And right now I'm beginning to feel very tired...
Juha H.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Bios ja musaa
Updated BIOS for one of our laptop computers. As usually there were some twists and difficulties. Nothing excessively complicated. But to waste time is never nice. Now all is well.
Rest of the evening I worked with my music - added some woodwind lines to one of my hybrid composition that is a mixture of Ableton Live tracks, Pro Tools recordings, improvisation and written material. Sort of weird instrumental electronica... Tomorrow is time to go back to the music of Improvisages and Kukkiva maa.
Juha H.
Rest of the evening I worked with my music - added some woodwind lines to one of my hybrid composition that is a mixture of Ableton Live tracks, Pro Tools recordings, improvisation and written material. Sort of weird instrumental electronica... Tomorrow is time to go back to the music of Improvisages and Kukkiva maa.
Juha H.
Monday, March 20, 2006
Ei kuvaa
Well, well. Picasa failed me again. Didn't manage to upload any photos. But anyways it's Equinox. Soon, within a few weeks, the snow will melt and Spring is here.
Juha H.
PS. And then all of a sudden and quite mysteriously the pic appears. Well and good.
Juha H.
PS. And then all of a sudden and quite mysteriously the pic appears. Well and good.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Imrovisages - musiikkia ja kuvia
Improvisages had a long and exciting rehearsal. Right now I believe that our next concert is going to be quite a big happening - at least when one considers the amount of art, both visual and auditive that we're going to reveal. There's going to be alots of new music - both composed and improvised - and many visual wonders. During the last years Ari has created so many paintings that it's amazing. Many of those pics can be seen here.
Juha h.
Juha h.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Sini, Hanna-Maaria and I watched Chrash. And a good film it was - actually a surprisingly good American movie. It won some Oscars and that is quite right. The story was built episode-like and fragmentarily, sort of. But in the end everything came together well and good. There were many surprising turns, untypical twists when compared to more ordinary Hollywood movies. The good and the bad people were NOT clearly different. The 'good ones' could do vile and evil things and the 'bad' weren't necessarily always bad. Right and wrong were within every character, within every person of the movie. Like in real life - you try to do good things but sometimes you end up doing wrong. Sometimes in real life you have to choose between bad and even worse. And sometimes it can be a bit hard to find out and see which is the less bad way to go...
Rest of the day - meeting people, walking on the Lake Keitele and creating music.
Juha H.
Rest of the day - meeting people, walking on the Lake Keitele and creating music.
Juha H.
Friday, March 17, 2006

While watching the Brothers Grimm-movie... I sent this photo that I took a couple of days ago. Sunrise over the Lake Keitele. (Juha H.)

Thursday, March 16, 2006
Today I listened to a fantastic bebop-recording - Andreas Oberg Young Jazz Guitarist. Wild, imaginative and virtuosic playing. While listening I had a happy grin on my face most of the time. And the keyboard player was Marian Petrescu. Even more happy grinning. He is probably the fastest jazz-pianist in Finland. Part of the fun of listening was that I jammed along with my flute. I didn't remember that bebop is so much fun!
I continued working with my composition - Pro-ALi In India. Yesterday I created a rhythm track with Ableton Live. Today I added some woodwinds and percussions in Pro Tools. And tomorrow I can hopefully mix the whole.
Juha H.
I continued working with my composition - Pro-ALi In India. Yesterday I created a rhythm track with Ableton Live. Today I added some woodwinds and percussions in Pro Tools. And tomorrow I can hopefully mix the whole.
Juha H.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Ableton Live 5
I upgraded my Ableton Live to version 5. All evening I tried to figure out what to do with the software. A lot I found and I can see many more ways to use it. It must be a dream come true for 'electronica' (?) musicians. And it's definately LIVE software. But I'm a bit puzzled because I like so much the 'old time' REAL PLAYING - to play real musical instruments for real. To just and only push buttons is a bit too easy. But fortunately Ableton Live is so much more than just pushing buttons. I've only scratched some surfice... The possibilities of what you can do with it seem to be quite endless.
Toropainen visited.
Juha H.
Toropainen visited.
Juha H.
Monday, March 13, 2006
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Friday, March 10, 2006
Ja illalla Improvisages
Improvisages rehearsed, jammed and played some Real Music. Fun it was very much. Improvising is so nice - every now and then some Magic and/or Divine happens. Though today we just went through some (ten or twelve) sequences and some real, written down compositions - it was so nice to let the things just happen. There were some moments that the music just flowed through us. Thank you very much. That was for Jori and me.
Earlier today Ari visited and we had some nice talks about the Visuals, Artistic (Aristic!?) side of forthcoming Improvisages shows...
Juha H.
Earlier today Ari visited and we had some nice talks about the Visuals, Artistic (Aristic!?) side of forthcoming Improvisages shows...
Juha H.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Kummeli Jackpot
After seeing the movie Kummeli Jackpot I tried to send here a picture - actually a hand-written piece of sheet-music. But to no avail. Picasa or something somehow failed me again. The movie I saw in Jyvaskyla and it was quite funny. But not being able to send the pic to this blog annoyed me just a little bit. Maybe I'll try it again tomorrow. Right now I'm too tired to do anything.
Juha h.
Juha h.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Pasuunapelimannit ja Improvisages
Pasuunapelimannit had a rehearsal Sumiainen, Finland. We practised for the next gig next week - unfortunately I can't partake then. Other obligations take my time. Well, anyways it was nice to play music.
I began notating my compositions for Improvisages. With the suitable computer software music gets more readable - if compared to the hand-written sheet music I sent to this blog a couple of days ago.
Juha H.
I began notating my compositions for Improvisages. With the suitable computer software music gets more readable - if compared to the hand-written sheet music I sent to this blog a couple of days ago.
Juha H.
Monday, March 06, 2006
Yesterday evening I tried to send to Blog Improvisages the hand-written piece of sheet music below but to no avail. Picasa just didn't work for me. Today I sent the same notation with different text. And all of a sudden and quite miraculously both pics ant texts appeared. So the one I sent today was deleted.
For almost all evening I've worked with Improvisages-sequences.
Juha H.
For almost all evening I've worked with Improvisages-sequences.
Juha H.
Sunday, March 05, 2006

After listenig to Swedish metal band Deathstars I wrote the above melody. The band sounds quite a bit like Rammstein. But my composition has got almost nothing to do with neither of the bands... The name of the scribbling above is Kuolontahti laulaa which is in English Deathstar Singing. Jori, could this piece of music be a part of some Future Improvisages Show? (Juha H.)

Kuvia ja Improvisages
During the day I worked with the photos Sini and I took on our Rostockreise. Some twenty I added here. And thirty pics Sini sent to a site where a password is needed.
In the evening I created one more sequence for Improvisages to jam and improvise along. Rhythmical chains... Real chains that I sampled a week ago. Today I twisted, reversed and manipulated them in many ways. And added two tracks of bass drums and then some more weird sounds...
And during the night I'm going to sleep.
Juha H.
In the evening I created one more sequence for Improvisages to jam and improvise along. Rhythmical chains... Real chains that I sampled a week ago. Today I twisted, reversed and manipulated them in many ways. And added two tracks of bass drums and then some more weird sounds...
And during the night I'm going to sleep.
Juha H.
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Back from Rostock, Germany. Woah! It's almost four o'clock in the morning. Good journey across the Baltic Sea and back. Somehow right now I'm a little bit tired - and happy. Travelling is nice but it's so good to be back home.
Juha H.
Juha H.